Sunday, May 17, 2015

Welcome to my life

I seem to get into a lot of trouble lately.  Get's a fine line.  Wherever I go, or whatever I do, I seem to be doing something with which someone has a problem.  And it's usually b/c I'm a woman, and that person is "more frum" than I.  So I decided to blog about it.  Hence the title of this blog - "The Wrong Side of the Mechitza" - because that is what the tv show/movie/book about my life will be called.
For example, when I was in Monsey for the second days of Pesach, I was walking to shul, and a man, who had been walking at a normal pace, looked at me, and then started to run, only slowing back down to his normal pace after he passed me.  Ok, I was wearing a bright red dress, no tights, and shiny black heels.  Not sure if that had anything to do with this man's decision, but maybe it did.
Welcome to my life!