Sunday, October 30, 2016

Booo to Haman and to Halloween

I really hate Halloween.  Like a lot.  I'm not actually anti non-jewish holidays.  I love Christmas time.  I love all the lights everywhere.  I don't get Easter, but I don't care either way about it.  I like bunnies, if that counts.  I certainly appreciate American and non-religious holidays like Thanksgiving and July 4th and I celebrate them.  And of course, everyone's favorite day - National Talk Like a Pirate Day - annually on September 19th.  I am very machmirah on that one.  But I really can't stand Halloween.  I've read about it's history and I just don't get it.  I don't get Easter either, but that's not why I can't stand Halloween.  I can't stand it b/c it's just mean.  It's a holiday when people are just mean and nasty.  It's a time of year when people do mean things, like scaring others, and egging private property, and demanding candy - and of course it's all ok, b/c it's Halloween.  Well it's not ok.  It's never ok to be mean and to trick people (and to wear slutty inappropriate costumes - but that's for another discussion).

What infuriates me more is when non-jews who genuinely don't know and ask what Purim is and someone says it's like the Jewish Halloween.  NO!  It's NOT! Purim is Nothing like Halloween.  Yes, it's true, they both have costumes and dressing up in common.  But that's like saying a bowl of soup is the same as the sun b/c they're both round and hot.  They're not the same at all.  You can't eat the sun.  You would die.  Purim and Halloween are also not the same at all.  In fact, Halloween and Purim are actually complete opposites and couldn't be more different.  
Purim is about giving to others, and celebrating community and togetherness.  We are obligated on Purim to give food to our friends and family, and charity to those less fortunate.  In fact, when beggars ask for money, and normally one might ignore them, on Purim, you're not allowed to ignore them. We are also required to have a festive meal with others.  Purim is all about showing kindness to others and bringing people closer together.  
Halloween, on the other hand, from what I understand (and I could be wrong), is about taking from others.  It's about what can I get from you.  And when you don't get it, you're allowed to be mean, take revenge, and do not nice things to the person who didn't give in to your demands.  And it's all done while hiding behind a mask, a facade, a fake dishonest persona.  Halloween goes starkly against basic Jewish values of giving to others and doing chessed.  So no, Halloween is Nothing like Purim.

What enrages me most is when Jews celebrate Halloween, whether it be giving out candy to kids, or dressing up themselves, or going as far as going to a Halloween party.  As I said before, Halloween goes completely against basic Jewish values.  But even more than that, according to this article, it's actually a Torah violation to celebrate Halloween.  But even if you don't believe - or choose not to believe - that article, Halloween still goes against basic Jewish values of kindness and giving, and Jews should never participate in such things.