I remember when this symbol - # - was called the pound sign and no one knew what it was for. I actually called it the tic tac toe button, but I may have been the only one. Simpler times. Now it's called a hashtag (whatever that means) and it's used to string words together that are impossible to read (like my title for this post...yes, I see the irony) and I don't understand it at all. I understand creating a hashtag as an actual tag for a wedding or other event, or something else so that all posts about the event or thing can be accessed by just looking up or clicking on that hashtag. I get that. That makes a lot of sense. And I've done that before.
What I don't get is why people write something, and then follow it up with a hashtag and some words all strung together that no one can read. I also don't understand why you can't just umm...maybe...write that as a regular sentence. For example, someone might write "Went to the store today. #freesamples #neededmilk #chickenwasonsale #score". What is all that gibberish?! Why can't you just write "I went to the store today b/c I needed milk. They had free samples. And chicken was on sale. Score!" I once actually saw someone write "#awesomejob" Really? You needed a # for that?! You couldn't just write "Awesome job!"???
Can you imagine if we started actually speaking that way?
person 1: Hey! Hashtag how are you?
person 2: Hashtag I'm fine. Hashtag How are you?
person 1: Hashtag good. Hashtag how was your weekend?
person 2: Hashtag it was nice. Hashtag we took the kids to the zoo. Hashtag my little one was scared of the lion, but hashtag my big one played like a hashtag monkey all day. Hashtag kids!
Hashtag Oy!
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