Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hashem has a plan

I just gave my niece a pep talk that she's been in camp this whole summer having a terrible time, but she did not give up and she is still there.  I'm so proud of her.  B/c apparently, last year, I started a new job at girls' high school.  I was sooooo excited about it.  I just found two posts on Facebook that came up in my memories.  They did not age well, to say the least.  It's so funny to me how hopeful and excited I was about that job, and how utterly disastrous it turned out to be.  B/c between you and me and the NSA, they treated me so unfairly and gave up on me after a month.  ONE MONTH!!!  Talk about no learning curve.  They didn't train me and gave me very little guidance.  And they were very deceptive about things.  Like they kept saying they want to set me up for success.  But in fact, they set me up for failure.  And fail I did.  It was such an epic dumpster fire.  It's really a bracha that they fired me.  I got the hello out of there, and still got unemployment out of it.

Hashem has a plan.  I don't know what it is, or why it is, but Hashem has a plan.  And it was for me to be there for a minute.  And then not be there.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sociology study

I haven't written in a while, but I have a lot of thoughts that I can't really share in public, but I neeeeed to write them.  I'll start here.

I go to my town pool every Sunday.  It is a fascinating study in human behavior.  Much like when they told me in grad school to sit in the high school lunch room during lunch and just watch how things go.  I didn't do that as an intern, but I did in Heichal.  I noticed that for such a frum yeshiva, I never heard any zimun at lunch.  Never.  Not once.  It doesn't mean it didn't happen.  But I never heard it.  Weird, right?

Anyways, back to my original point.  So, I go to the pool and it's fascinating.  There are umbrellas and each umbrella is a different shul group.  Darchei friends sit here, Shomrei friends sit there, Young Israel people sit over there, Teaneck people all sit together somewhere, and the non-jews sit wherever.  People think this is normal b/c obviously you want to sit with your friends. But people have friends across the shuls.  Yet they always sit with their shul.  It's like sticking with your bus on a school trip.  I think it's bizarre.

Also, I am amazed at the amount of people who bring their phones into the water.  Like they are standing there, holding their phones as if they're in their back yard.  That is just asking for trouble.  I even saw one woman tuck her phone into the strap of her bathing suit.  Seriously??  It is totally going to fall in the water!  I guess it's not my problem if they want to be stupid, but I'm just perplexed by this.

I also find Perek in the Park fascinating, but that's for another post.  And anyways, all this might be my own insecurities and social phobia talking.