I think one of the ways social media is ruining is society, aside from the incredibly dumb and annoying hashtag, (IT'S THE POUND SIGN!!!) is how people have started abbreviating everything they write instead of writing real words. Like "ppl" instead of "people" and "ttyl" instead of "talk to you later" and "TIL" instead of "today I learned" (which ILT - I learned today). I understand saving time and all, but do you really save that much time by skipping 10 letters? Like really, does writing TIL save you so much time that you can't bear to write "Today I learned"? It took me longer to think about what the letters of the words are and how to abbreviate them, than the time it took me to just spell out the words.
Can you imagine if people just started abbreviating everything?? Like this - IYRWT ST, MDB OSM!!!** What the hello does that mean?! So while people try to save those precious few seconds, I always ask what they mean. This way, 1. I learn new things - which I really don't care to waste brain space on, but ok - and 2. all that time you saved, you had to spend explaining to me what you meant anyways. So was it worth it?
And just by the way, **If you really want to save time, maybe don't be on social media.
post script - the title of this entry is "What the hello do you mean?"
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