Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Future Day :)

Future Day is here!  Yay :)
In case you didn't know, I am a big Back to the Future fan.  Today is the day in Back to the Future II when Marty McFly goes into the future - Oct 21 2015.

A lot of things were shown in the movie that obviously are not real and/or haven't been invented yet - or at least not marketed to regular people like myself.  But the one thing that did happen in the movie, that still could happen is the Cubs winning the World Series.  I've been saying for a very long time that the Cubs have to win this year - b/c Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg said so.  I even thought it would be nice if all the MLB teams pooled together and just let the Cubs win this year.  But they didn't...altho they still could...But I don't see the Mets doing that.  Oh well.
So here is why I care so much about the Cubs winning the World Series this year and not about any of the other inventions in the movie that we don't have yet.
Marty goes into the future from 1985 b/c Doc says he has to save his kid from being jailed.  So he goes into the future and sees flying cars, and hoverboards, and men with two neckties, and Elijah Wood with a colander for a hat.  He's the kid who says about the 80's style arcade game, "You mean you have to use your hands?!"  True story.

But also, Marty sees the news announcing that the Cubs won the World Series.

Here is why that is the most important part of the movie.  Marty talks to this guy and he says "100 to 1 shot" and he wishes he "could go back to the beginning of the season and put some money on the Cubbies."  Then, you see the lightbulb go off in Marty's head with the idea to buy that sports almanac and take it back to 1985 with him and place some bets and win tons of money.  He has a whole discussion with Doc about it.  Of course Doc says no, it's not right, the time machine wasn't invented for monetary gain.  But old Biff overhears them and steals Marty's idea, along with the DeLorean so that he can go back to 1955 to give the almanac to young Biff of 1955 so that he can win tons of money - which he does.  (Not sure how old Biff knew how to operate the DeLorean, but ok...suspended disbelief...)  So 2015 Biff stealing Marty's idea and giving 1955 Biff the almanac is what creates the alternate 1985 to which Marty and Doc return where "Biff is corrupt...and married to your mother...and this has happened to me!" (Doc got locked up and put in an insane asylum).  So now Doc and Marty have to fix the entire space-time continuum.

So the entire Back to the Future II movie only happens b/c the Cubs win the World Series!  If they hadn't won, on 100 to 1 shot, no one would care about going back and putting some money on them, and no one would buy an almanac and screw up the space-time continuum, and then there would be no movie!

So that is why, of all the things that happened in that movie, the Cubs winning is the most important.  And that is why I care so much that they win this year.

Also, it's the Cubs.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


I love this fall weather.  But I hate tights and I love flip flops and sandals and letting my feet be free.  So when I put my socks and rain boots on this morning, I kept thinking of this scene from Aladdin, specifically minute 1:03.  It made me sad :(